House Of M
Volume: 0
Publisher: Marvel
Series Year: 2005
Published Year: 2005
Artist: Oliver Coipel
Inker: Tim Townsend, Rick Magyar, Scott Hanna, John Dell
Colorist: Fran D'Armata
Letterer: Chris Eliopoulos
Genre: SuperHero, Crime, genre,
Contributor(s): Alex Inskeep, Andrew Tooze

How does this comic relate to a sacred text?
The Name of Text: The Bible
The relation: Act from a sacred text is in the comic
Main Character: Wolverine, Magneto, Captain America, Spider-Man, Storm, Rogue
Entry: "08-16 The Avengers listen to William Stryker regarding the mutant crisis following Wanda’s “no more mutants”. In quote stryker says "--have foretold this in the scripture for years now, and now the cleansing has finally begun." "God's will has been done."
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